Providers keep up to date with industry developments, workplace practices and digital skills requirements. Learners are involved in digital delivery improvement and can use tools and platforms safely and wisely.
Learning providers maintain their awareness of relevant industry practices, and of current and emerging digital skills requirements, through consultation and partnerships with employers and communities.
Digitally-enabled learning delivery is designed to reflect industry practices and an awareness of current and emerging requirements for digital skills in the workplace.
Learners are actively involved in evaluating the effectiveness of digital learning, and in designing and implementing improvements.
Learners understand the opportunities and risks associated with the use of technology, including online safety, responsible use of social media and online reputation management.
Digital wellbeing of learners
Laws relevant to networking and computing
Education and Training Foundation Prevent training resources and materials
Education and training Essential Digital Skills: 5.4 Digital Wellbeing Module
Building Digital Capability: Digital Welbeing
Digital Inclusion Toolkit for senior managers
Inclusive digital practice and digital wellbeing Jisc quick guide
Learning providers consider relevant opportunities for learners to use, improve, and gain confidence in using Welsh language skills when designing and implementing new digital technologies.