Staff have opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and experience using digital delivery tools and techniques. They can access networks, events, communities of practice and champions to support them.
All staff have a clear understanding of their individual responsibilities for digital learning, wellbeing and online safety.
Building digital capability
Jisc training courses
Online safety for staff and students whether on or off-campus
How your digital policies can support online safety
Digital wellbeing of learners
Jisc briefing papers for practitioners and senior leaders on digital wellbeing
Building Digital Capability: Digital Welbeing
Access to appropriate professional learning opportunities develop staff confidence in the use of digital delivery techniques, and ability to identify suitable technologies, tools and devices to support their work.
Teaching staff are able to ensure that their use of learning technologies adds value to learners’ experiences through reflective practice.
Staff enhance and update their digital competence through active participation in communities of practice, events and networks, both within and beyond their own organisation.
Digital innovators or ‘champions’ support the dissemination of best practice through coaching and mentoring colleagues.