Learners can overcome barriers and reach their potential because they have accessible platforms, tools and resources. Staff understand their responsibilities and know how to support learners using technology, collaborating with partners where appropriate.
Learners of all backgrounds and abilities can maximise their potential through the use of digital technology to increase flexibility and support independent learning.
Digital learning techniques, resources and diagnostic methods are used creatively to help overcome barriers to learner participation and success.
Potential new learning platforms, tools and resources are assessed to ensure their accessibility and ease of use, taking into consideration bilingual needs.
Using assistive and accessible technology in teaching and learning
Accessibility community groups – NB the Teams community has a dedicated Welsh Language Community channel
Jisc online accessibility drop in clinics - recordings of previous clinics and news of future clinics providing a space for expert advice and sharing of experiences
Video captioning and accessibility regulations
Meeting accessibility regulations is the landing page for all accessibility guidance
Partnership working, including with specialist organisations, is used to support digital inclusion, accessibility and learner wellbeing.
Guidance and support is available to help staff to understand their responsibilities in using technology to widen access and support learners, taking account of online safety considerations and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.
The Jisc accessibility landing page provides all the relavant information and guidance around meeting public sector web accessibility guidelines in one place, including bespoke legal advice for FE and HE
Digital wellbeing of learners
Education and Training Foundation Prevent training resources and materials
Learners are supported in meeting their goals through the collection and analysis of information on their characteristics, attendance, progress and outcomes.
The Jisc Accessibility and Inclusion blog provides practical guidance; including resources targeted at staff roles, different technology types and different disabilities
Widening participation
Digital Inclusion Toolkit for senior managers
Inclusive digital practice and digital wellbeing Jisc quick guide
Jisc Digital wellbeing briefing papers for practioners and senior managers