Clear, nationally agreed standards for digital skills are in place to enable learners and staff to meet industry, private and public sector requirements, building on the digital competences developed during compulsory schooling.
Staff, learners and partners are empowered to take ownership of their use of digital technologies and encouraged to develop their digital skills within a positive, supportive organisational culture.
All learners achieve a level of digital skills appropriate to their learning programme and individual goals.
A diagnostic approach is used to assess learners’ digital skills, and as a baseline to measure their progress and outcomes.
Guidance and support is available to help staff to understand their responsibilities in using technology to widen access and support learners, taking account of online safety considerations and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.
Learning providers maintain their awareness of relevant industry practices, and of current and emerging digital skills requirements, through consultation and partnerships with employers and communities.
All staff have a clear understanding of their individual responsibilities for digital learning, wellbeing and online safety.
A safe, secure and resilient digital experience is provided for all learners and staff, complying with legal obligations and relevant standards (including accessibility).