The benefits of digital technology, and possible barriers to their achievement, are understood by all staff including senior leaders.
Inclusivity, digital skills, and the use of technology and digital resources are included in core organisational policies. Policies are understood by staff and learners, and demonstrate clear lines of accountability for compliance with legal, security, safeguarding, accessibility and data protection requirements.
Appropriate digital technologies are used to enhance learning delivery, support assessment, and help staff respond to learners’ individual preferences, attitudes and abilities.
Guidance and support is available to help staff to understand their responsibilities in using technology to widen access and support learners, taking account of online safety considerations and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.
Learners are actively involved in evaluating the effectiveness of digital learning, and in designing and implementing improvements.
Access to appropriate professional learning opportunities develop staff confidence in the use of digital delivery techniques, and ability to identify suitable technologies, tools and devices to support their work.
Administration and reporting activities are supported effectively by digital technology so that teaching staff are able to focus on learners’ needs.