Introducing the guide

Today’s learners will need digital skills and experiences in order to use an increasing range of tools and technologies in tomorrow’s workplaces. Education will have to change to take advantage of these to provide a workforce capable of meeting new challenges. Learners expect an education experience that reflects the way they live, communicate and learn.

It is estimated that 90 per cent of all jobs will include an element requiring digital skills within the next 20 years.

Source: Video footage of Matt Hancock MP, The Right Honourable Minister of State for Digital, cited in Blended Learning Essentials 3, October 2017

Digital 2030 is a strategic framework to set out the shared vision, aims and objectives for post-16 digital learning. The initiative came from the post-16 sector, through CollegesWales, and the framework has been developed in close collaboration with stakeholders, leaders and staff from across the sector.

Using the guide

The guide is for colleges, work based learning and adult learning providers.

Choose a theme relevant to your role, or explore the vision, aims and objectives. You will find lots of resources and practical examples to help you on your digital 2030 journey.

Developing the guide

If you would like to share your ideas, resources or stories, we would love to hear from you.